
26 April, 2009

Electronics is fun :)

Recently a friend of mine reminded me that our Dean used to say "Electronics is fun",which is true to the core and is getting bigger and better as time progresses....
I must have written entrance tests for some 6 companies of which most of them used to ask programming based monotonous questions.... I naturally love cracking MCQ based tests...But the types of papers I've been answering during my B.E have substantially reduced the fun....
Today i compensated for all of it by trying an all core Electronics and Communication paper by ISRO. It was a thirst of four years....I just loved it,although i haven't done really well and all... But this again proved that Electronics is fun...
When few of my friends could not complete a single run through the questions, I did 3 iterations and 15 minutes to spare...
The problem for me as i see now with its results are my over excitement will cost a lot of my marks as negatives...In any case the fun was what i loved more than any other prospects....

25 April, 2009

My first session as a volunteer for FSMK at HKBK :)

After being inspired by all the free software activists for the past 10-12 months,it was my turn to do the part....
The venue being HKBK college of Engineering, and after getting a slot with some effort,I with the other volunteers did our best to motivate the students..We had real good audience who were very interactive and enthusiastic....

The session contained GNU philosophy,Eye candy stuffs and a technical review of Free softwares...It was for ISE dept. this time..But, we have been asked to organise future sessions and workshops for both ISE and CSE from FSMK side....

At the end of the day,I see a prospective active GLUG and a good team comprising of students and teachers emanating from HKBKCE....

22 April, 2009

Memories flowing down,and the dam of my mind unable to barricade them

I have been lying on my bed trying to prepare my farewell speech....Recollecting four years,a long time which actually just flew away....
Memories are flowing incessantly,which i'm unable to hold nor put them down onto paper with ease...Its a sweet pain of recollecting the memories....
I now feel that the words are so powerless....The harder i try to convey my memories out ,its getting tougher by the passing time....There can be nothing on this earth to explain you all what i'm feeling right now.... :)

21 April, 2009

So low???? Not happening !!!!

Accidentally a policeman happened to sit next to me in the bus today morning....He must have been a constable of around my dad's age.....He was the one who started off the conversation enquiring about my phone and we then reached the talk about the notorious China made handsets,it was a feeble argument...But, it was i who was against it and he seemed to support it for his own simple reasons.....

He has been one of the most friendly strangers i have ever spoken to and this has lead to a paradigm shift about these 'until now antagonistic policemen'...

He spoke about his son, his aspirations and being a father his apprehensions....

Then came the shocker,he said he was returning from night duty and we happened to discuss his pay and he was genuine in saying that,the government pays him only Rs.200 per day !!!!!

What value does that little money hold today in Bangalore???He was a well built,tall man with a son of around my age.... Even if we consider the benefits given to these people by the government,the monetary funds being so low is definitely a matter to be reviewed thoroughly.....

18 April, 2009

Learnt more than only Drupal !!!!

Although today's GLUG session was for getting acquainted with a Free and Open Source Content Management Tool-Drupal,i learnt much more than that....
Learning from mistakes,not personal but technical ones push you through a different level where your ability increases....Having made a few mistakes today, i learnt a lot 'technically'....

Instead of yelling at my helplessness like a cry baby, I expect my peers also to make use of such ad hoc opportunities....These teach you the most...

The chances of me forgetting today's session's content is high if i don't pursue it further....But, not the ad hoc solutions learnt from the very friendly guest of today's session...
One of my teachers had told me a thing which made a radical impact on the way i perceive learning;he had said-Not knowing is not a mistake,but not trying to learn is a big mistake....
So people, embrace the sudden chances of learning, rather than sitting and waiting for somebody to force something into your head....

16 April, 2009

Rendezvous with the Back Bench Brains(B cubed)

It was as expected,a light ambience with no sign of responsibility and a carefree attitude... My once a while visit to the back benches as a refreshment happened today...
Jokes,although not very hilarious but the involvement of all the B cubed makes them very funny....Loads of fun within a small duration made me forget that i was sitting in a class.... Class in seminar hall made it much better,i haven't had this amount of fun even in a movie theatre....
Poor faculty member kept on ignoring the nuisance being created by us...Altogether, it was a really nice experience but I'm sure it suits me only once-a- while...
B Cubed people, you are cool....

13 April, 2009

Fatigue....Its again just a perception

Mind is the key to everything....A clichéd statement,but obstentiously true..
I was feeling a bit low on energy today morning after some extra energy was drained out of me.....I, consciously was trying to see if that fatigue was a mental illusion, as my mind knew that i had been working extra or if it was real physical exhaustion(if something like that is true..)...
It was startling to see myself again getting back to normalcy with the same energy as usual after running these thoughts in my head.....
And it was a nice feeling of win,when my mind had to succumb to a self revelation of the trick played on me....

10 April, 2009

Honesty in toatlity could be lethal....

For quite sometime now,I'm having a bug creeping in my head....
I, for long have consciously ignored a particular thought process running in my head.Now, i tend to call it an ambiguous bug putting me in dilemma very often....
Whenever it surfaces up ,it creates a pleasant and vibrant spark in my mind,making me forget its impact on reality...Then, after mellowing a bit from this hallucination I think of the various pros and cons of bringing that into life and ultimately bury it back into the fully alive grave of my mind....
I do this for, if i bring it into total reality, I have a feeling many of the people i don't wanna hurt will be hurt deeply....
So, let this potential bug survive until I get myself a fully functional ICD(Not an In Circuit Debugger,but 'In my Conscience' Debugger)...........

08 April, 2009

:) Smile.....That ever lasting smile..... :)

Having a smile on your face always helps you a lot- to cheer up others,and also to lighten up yourself ...But, this is one thing i was really bad at..Even now, you may find me carrying a long face for the smallest or silliest troubles I face...Actually,I am trying to change myself so that i am able to take silly and small mishaps lightly ....
The Inspiration being- one of my friends....
This person is one of those rare and gifted ones who can naturally lighten up the moods of people around...An eternal smile on face,augmented with pranking eyes ,and complimented by a light-hearted jovial persona ....
I have definitely absorbed a lot of traits and have already been reaping the benefits...
Keep it going :)

07 April, 2009

100th post..... Lots said and heard.... Thx to u all n myself :)

This is my 100th post on my blog Silence before the Storm on my webpage Ideas_are_immortal.
Now,when i read my previous blog posts, i see how much i have grown from there on...
I can't believe that few of the posts have emanated from my thought process; few just scare me off, if i try imagining the the mindset i was in while publishing those,and few just remind me of the various intriguing events behind those posts.....
Altogether it has been a wonderful journey with you all....So, thanks for your company...
In all these posts i have been very honest, trying to reflect whatever i have had in my mind and this has helped me a lot, to see myself as a third person...

And in case, if anybody has been offended by any of the posts,then it was meant to offend you,so no apologies ;)

Will give you all more to chew on....
(And by the way I know John Galt;) )

05 April, 2009

Passion makes 'work' work

Doing what you like is so very easy than being forced to do something which you aren't convinced about...After long and torturous time of uneasiness i think i'm geared up to deliver my best with all my efforts...
It feels so light and easy to learn new things and do it the way it ought be done....
Now, I realise the importance of always doing what you feel is right....

I have promised myself i wouldn't put myself into a situation ,like i was in a few days ago, ignoring my own reasoning...

02 April, 2009

Barter trade is what i suggest !!!!

Any happening relationship is an exchange of values....Be it friendship or love...
If there is no balanced trans-reception of values,then, it is a shallow relation...In such cases you have an evil dancing between the two-"hypocrisy".....That is much worse than even hating each other....
Once you start feeling that you are having to put in substantial amount of efforts hesitantly to keep the spark alive,you've already reached the end of the road.
This is a scenario which happens due to the incongruence of personal values of the two involved. And changing atleast one of them would lead to a basic flaw in the way you had imagined each other to be, together....