08 October, 2010

Re-contemplating the existence of a Principlist..

"Principles are like lighthouses. They are natural laws that cannot be broken."
- Stepehen R Covey in his book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, the first book to have left some crux of it with me.

I like the concept of principles being the lighthouses which guide us through times of personal turmoil, and which facilitate us in tending towards the right direction.

And the part where he says principles are natural and cannot be broken - I disagree.
For, principles evolve with the individual. As one grows in the society, the principles applied by the individual to the society would have to evolve as well, unless, the person has been mimicking someone else.

Talking in this regard, and getting a little introspective, I have been an ardent principlist, if you would want to call me so, but only until recently.

It just hit me before a few hours - I have stopped being conscious of whether I am a principlist or not! And,in retrospection the turn of events during this particular phase of my recent past, it so seems that I have had a momentum which has taken me this far, through the various ups and downs.
But, what I do have missed is that evolution of the principles, which would have made me a self approved and updated principlist.

People with a dormant mindset, adhering to adamant principles are prone to bring ill-health to the individual's persona. Evolving principles with the metamorphosing world around is acutely necessary to swim through the world as it is today. Rigidity on these lines, would eventually make the individual brittle,ultimately succumbing to the mismatch.


  1. Hi Raghavendra,

    Adding onto your post, I don't know is its related or not but thought its worth a mention.

    With experience sometimes we set experience because of simply dabbling onto an issue without knowing on what built it on.So what happens as days go by is, this(principles) sort of modifies.I am saying this as a novice, because I have done that mistake.So it evolves and becomes something better.

  2. @swathi: Aptly said... Principles evolve when experience solidifies :)



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