22 April, 2009

Memories flowing down,and the dam of my mind unable to barricade them

I have been lying on my bed trying to prepare my farewell speech....Recollecting four years,a long time which actually just flew away....
Memories are flowing incessantly,which i'm unable to hold nor put them down onto paper with ease...Its a sweet pain of recollecting the memories....
I now feel that the words are so powerless....The harder i try to convey my memories out ,its getting tougher by the passing time....There can be nothing on this earth to explain you all what i'm feeling right now.... :)


  1. I was just thinking of the day when i would wake up and realize that i dint have to go to college... God, it's terrible. I just want to savour every moment of the few days we'll be there....

  2. I know,we are so very used to so many things,people and habits...Its gonna be really tuf....



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